Oncology Nutrition

The notion of cancer is general, under this word are over 200 completely different types and subtypes of cancers, with completely different causes, treatment and evolution from patient to patient.

Therefore, the Oncology Nutrition has the role to support the oncological treatment and to prevent the recurrence or the emergence of a new cancer, being strictly individualized for each patient, and – in the case of the same patient – at each stage of the treatment and any other diseases besides cancer that the patient suffers from.

Vitamin D supplements – hype and physiology

Vitamin D supplements are more and more popular nowadays, this vitamin being promoted to do anything from preventing cancer or…


Alkaline water and cancer

Many people a little more attentive towards healthy eating started to drink alkaline water or to buy water alkalizing devices in…


Is meat carcinogenic?

In articles dedicated to analysing the validity of the link between "animal protein" and cancer, I explained why this association…


Can breast cancer patients take statins?

After breast surgery ± chemotherapy and radiotherapy, ER+ breast cancer patients start antiestrogenic treatment. Some of these patients – either…


What does it mean to be cured of cancer?

In the virtual space, various pseudo-oncological cancer therapies are promoted on the basis of examples such as "I know X…


Potatoes + meat = LOVE

I don't know how others were raised, but my mother raised me with potatoes and meat. And my mother did…


Vitamin C for cancer patients?

Although we have insufficient scientific arguments to sustain the fact that vitamin C administration improve cancer patients' survival (Jacobs et al., 2015)…


2 weight gain mechanisms during breast cancer chemotherapy

Statistically speaking, patients who maintain their weight during breast cancer treatment have the best prognostic. Most of the weight gain…


Why should overweight and obese breast cancer patients lose weight?

- Have you been diagnosed with breast cancer? Here is why you should lose weight if you were overweight or…


„The China Study“ Part II – Are the dairy products carcinogenic?

As I promised, in this second part of the analysis of the book called "The China Study" I will explain…


„The China Study“ – part I – How to make a big deal out of nothing?

Because I work with cancer patients and because many are completely shocked by the fact that I recommend eating meat…


Animal proteins & oncology nutrition

When it comes to advising cancer patients about what they should and shouldn't eat, removing "animal protein" is the general…
