Top 3 factors that contribute to holiday weight gain & what to do about them

If you’re tired enough of gaining (at least) 2 kg in each holiday (kilos that you will usually go back down only temporarily, if ever), if you get sick from your stomach only to the thought that you’ll need to get started again another diet just because you were in a simple holiday and if you’re frustrated because, no matter how much you try not to get fat on holiday, you just cannot avoid it – then read this article.

I’ll explain Top 3 factors that contribute to weight gain during holiday.

First of all, I would like to point out that yes, you have read correctly: there are some factors that make you gain weight on holiday, not the food itself.

And yes, I know that chocolate has saturated fats and that pizza or Sicilian pasta have a glycemic index as high as the Trajan’s Column. Still, the bio avocado fattens as much as the most delicious tart if you eat it mindlessly.

So let me explain to you how the conjuncture factors – and not the food itself – fatten you every time, whether it is an ultra all inclusive holiday in Antalya, a city break in Rome or a Christmas in Vienna.

Then I’ll introduce 3 effective solutions that, when properly applied every day, prevent fattening on holiday because it solves these 3 factors just before you actually go on holiday.

Now, before I begin, I would like to mention that if you are 30 years old, you have a lot of abdominal fat, you work from morning till night, you eat all kinds of nonsense food and you are on the verge of depression, probably by applying these 3 solutions, your life and body image will only begin to improve if you’ll start using the information below.

Your metabolism is low, you probably have insulin resistance, disturbed appetite, and dopaminergic receptors in free fall.

It happens.

But the only difference between you and better you is YOU.

So, if you do not apply these 3 solutions at least now, that you are home, without a world of culinary temptations, then we are wasting time together.

And probably this article will not help you because the unapplied information has zero value.

But if you’re tired of keeping infinite diets and then getting more weight with each holiday, then apply the solutions every day for 21 days (yes, just as you know it takes you to form a new reflex). You’ll be delighted with the result!

So, here are the main factors that make you gain weight on holiday:

  1. diversity
  2. uncertainty
  3. legitimacy

Most of us are overcome when we see a sea of food, which looks beautiful, fresh and smells heavenly. It is absolutely normal! As normal as the fact that most men marry beautiful women dressed in white.

Solution no. 1 so you do not get fat on holiday is: THE MOTHER-IN-LAW.

Yeah, you read correctly – and I do not ask you to take her with you on the holiday, but to behave as if you were the mother of one of those men who had entered the blind week, a real mother-in-law, with super airs and whims.

Basically, before you eat anything, you have to choose 2-3 foods you would give an absolute 10 out of 10 for wearing, showing and make-up. Maximum artistic impression!

In order not to get fat on holiday or on Christmas or visiting or elsewhere you’ll face food mountains, you have to have super airs and whims, and act more pretentious than a mother-in-law.

So choose only those dishes you really like and enjoy each piece with the greatest excitement, without fear or regret.

Solution no. 2 so that you do not get fat on holiday is: YOUR RIGHT FIST.

Most girls’ fathers have two fears:

  1. That their girl will find someone and get married.
  2. That their girl will not find someone and get married.

So is eating on holiday:

  1. what do you do if the food is delicious?
  2. what do you do if the food is not delicious?

No matter how good or bad is food on holiday, so as not to get fat on that holiday, you have to face this dilemma with determination.

So, you apply the mother-in-law method and choose 2-3 of the best dishes available, savour piece by piece and promise to eat at the next table other 2-3 dishes of the ones that tempted you.

Seriously: 2-3, not more, as your stomach is not a car trunk. If you want to not gain weight during the holiday, the food you put in there should not push your liver for more room inside your abdomen.

Your fasting stomach has ~ the size of the right fist and. So, to feel the optimal moment of satiety, no meal should exceed 2-3 portions, each of the size of your right fist.

Solution no. 3 so that you do not get fat on holiday is: YOUR HUNGER SENSATION.

It is your right to to eat the most delicious meals.

It is perfectly legitimate!

I do it when I’m not on vacation, absolutely every day.

Just that nibbling mindlessly on this or that when you are not hungry gets you fattened on whatever you eat, be it healthy nuts or fried potato chips.

It does not matter how little calories you consume, what glycemic index, what glycemic load or how you combine the foods. If you are not hungry and nibble: bye, bye silhouette.

You can perceive hunger at the head of the chest, with the same degree of intensity as pee feeling, that is:

  • 0 if you do not need to eat,
  • 1 if you feel like eating, but you can still wait, and
  • 2 if you are just as hungry how hard are you to pee.

So, to not to get fat on your lovely holiday:

  1. be pretentious as a mother-in-law
  2. think like bride’s father and
  3. go to the bathroom before you wet your pants.
  1. eat only foods that you’d grade a 10 out of 10
  2. limit yourself to 2-3 dishes, each of the size of your right fist,
  3. wait for you to get hungry before you eat anything.

Applying these 3 solutions, you will not gain weight in any holiday in your life, but you can even slim while you are on holiday. All you have to do is apply them consistently.

To  our health!

Diana Artene

Sunt Nutriționist-Dietetician acreditat de Ministerul Educației pe baza diplomei de Licență în Nutriție-Dietetică. Inițial am absolvit Facultatea de Medicină Carol Davila din București, specializarea Fiziokinetoterapie. Apoi am absolvit a doua licență in Nutriție și Dietetică, Masterul în Științele Nutriției și Doctoratul în Oncologie – Nutriție Oncologică pentru pacientele cu cancer mamar.

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