Smoking during the pandemic, ping-pong between panic and stupidity

Diana Artene

Reading the French study about smoking and Covid-19 I woke up pretty much just like Proust transported back in time…

Dietary supplements affecting blood clotting

In the global uncertainty Coronavirus has abruptly threw us all in, many people are taking all sorts of dietary supplements…


Coronavirus – batshit crazy spring rolled Devil’s baby

The story of the virus with a beer name (Coronavirus, so: Have it with lime!) began at a market. On…


Vitamin D supplements – hype and physiology

Vitamin D supplements are more and more popular nowadays, this vitamin being promoted to do anything from preventing cancer or…


Cholesterol lowering, between laziness & superficiality

Cardiovascular disease prevention by statins alone works as efficiently as the lovely story: "There was an important job to be…


Alkaline water and cancer

Many people a little more attentive towards healthy eating started to drink alkaline water or to buy water alkalizing devices in…


Is meat carcinogenic?

In articles dedicated to analysing the validity of the link between "animal protein" and cancer, I explained why this association…


Can breast cancer patients take statins?

After breast surgery ± chemotherapy and radiotherapy, ER+ breast cancer patients start antiestrogenic treatment. Some of these patients – either…


What does it mean to be cured of cancer?

In the virtual space, various pseudo-oncological cancer therapies are promoted on the basis of examples such as "I know X…


Potatoes + meat = LOVE

I don't know how others were raised, but my mother raised me with potatoes and meat. And my mother did…


Vitamin C for cancer patients?

Although we have insufficient scientific arguments to sustain the fact that vitamin C administration improve cancer patients' survival (Jacobs et al., 2015)…


Don’t worry = No sugar?

In consensus with the industries that produce chronic dieters, the 2013 analysis done by Shankar argues that we don’t have sufficient…
