Clinical & Weight Loss Nutrition Consultation


The Clinical & Weight Loss Nutrition Consultation is meant for overweight or obese patients diagnosed with diseases influenced by high adiposity, sedentary lifestyle and sleep disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, chronic kidney disease or osteoarticular disease.


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Following the consultation, you will receive a diet plan personalised specifically to take into account the illness you are suffering from, the medical treatment you receive and the gradual improvement of your body composition and fat loss needed to gradually start to feel better.

As with all other consultations, remember that if you do not follow the recommendations received with discipline, your health will not improve. If you just want to try the sea with your finger and not really change your lifestyle and diet this consultation will not help you at all because no one can eat, no one can do not do the sports, and no one can sleep better in your place. You change. Or you stay the same. You chose.

If you are determined to do everything in your power to improve your health by reducing the amount of fat in your body, come and let’s work together! If not, not.

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